Feeding Group

June 13, 2018

We are Excited to announce that TOTS will be able to host a feeding group this summer in addition to our other groups!  The feeding group will focus on decreasing the fear associated with feeding issues due to sensory over responsiveness.  We will use techniques from the SOS approach to make feeding less scary and more fun.

Feeding group will be on Mondays at 2:30 pm.  It will cost $25 per group and will run through August 6.

Today we would like to give you a little more information on picky eaters vs problem feeders and how the SOS approach works.


PICKY EATERS                                                          PROBLEM FEEDERS
– decreased range or variety of                                    – restricted range or variety of foods,
foods;will eat at least 30 different foods                       usually less than 20 different foods

– foods lost due to “burn out”                                      – foods lost due to food jags are NOT
because of a food jag are                                               re-acquired after taking a a break, often
usually re-gained after a 2 week break                          resulting in a decreasing number of foods

– able to tolerate new foods on plate;                           – cries and “falls apart” when
usually can touch or taste a                                            presented with new foods; complete refusal
new food (even if reluctantly)

– eats at least one food from most                                 – refuses entire categories of food or nutrition
food texture or nutrition texture                                      groups (e.g. hard mechanical, meats,
groups (e.g. purees, meltables,                                       vegetables, soft cubes)
proteins, fruits)
– frequently eats a different set of                                  – almost always eats different foods
foods at a meal than the rest at a meal                             than the rest of  (often doesn’t eat
of the family (typically eats the family                           with the family)
with the family)

– will add new foods to repertoire in                              – adds new foods in more than 25
20-25 steps on Steps to Eating steps Hierarchy               on the Steps to Eating Hierarchy

– sometimes reported by parent as                                   – persistently reported by parent as
a “picky eater” at well-child                                               a “picky eater” across multiple
check-ups                                                                            well-child check-ups


The SOS approach works well with both Picky Eaters and Problem Feeders.  Please find the article about SOS Approach by the publishing therapist Dr. Kay Toomey. We will be using the tenants of this approach in our group.


The SOS Approach to Feeding is a Transdisciplinary Program for assessing and treating
children with feeding and weight/growth difficulties. It has been developed over the course
of 20 years through the clinical work of Dr. Kay Toomey, in conjunction with colleagues
from several different disciplines including: Pediatricians, Occupational Therapists,
Registered Dietitians, and Speech Pathologists/Therapists. This program integrates
motor, oral, behavioral/learning, medical, sensory and nutritional factors and approaches in
order to comprehensively evaluate and manage children with feeding/growth problems. It
is based on, and grounded philosophically in, the “normal” developmental steps, stages
and skills of feeding found in typically developing children. The treatment component of
the program utilizes these typical developmental steps towards feeding to create a
systematic desensitization hierarchy of skills/behaviors necessary for children to progress
with eating various textures, and with growing at an appropriate rate for them. The
assessment component of the program makes sure that all physical reasons for atypical
feeding development are examined and appropriately treated medically. In addition, the
SOS Approach works to identify any nutritional deficits and to develop recommendations
as appropriate to each individual child’s growth parameters and needs. Skills across all
developmental areas are also assessed with regards to feeding, as well as an examination
of learning capabilities with regards to using the SOS program.

TENET 1 = Myths About Eating interfere with understanding and treating feeding
TENET 2 = Systematic Desensitization is the best first approach to feeding treatment.
TENET 3 = “Normal Development” of feeding gives us the best blueprint for creating a
feeding treatment plan.
TENET 4 = Food Hierarchies/Choices play an important role in feeding treatment.

The Assessment Phase of the program usually begins with a direct referral from a child’s
Primary Care Physician. However, referrals from individual therapists in the community,
early childhood interventionists and/or programs, preschools, schools, other medical
specialists, and/or parents are also accepted. (The referring party is always encouraged to
attend the assessment with the family.) The child’s Primary Care Physician is then
contacted to notify him/her about the referral request.
A Trans-disciplinary team consisting of a pediatrician, psychologist, occupational therapist,
speech pathologist and dietitian observe the child eating with his or her primary care givers
in a Clinic setting. Families are asked to bring other family members who may be typically
present at a meal if possible. Families are also asked to bring the plates, bowls, utensils
etc. that the child usually uses at home to the evaluation. The goal is for the family to bring
with them, items to help the child feel as comfortable as possible in a clinic setting. The
Clinic setting with the Transdisciplinary Team has become the preferred setting for the
initial evaluation over the years of developing the program for the following reasons:
1. In order to fully and correctly evaluate a feeding problem, the Team believes it is
necessary to have all of the Team members present at the assessment at the same
time. Frequently, the children referred to Dr. Toomey have had a prior evaluation
by only one discipline in the past. When the child is assessed by the Team, there is
often some other aspect of the feeding problem which has not been identified and is
the reason for the child not progressing as expected/desired.
2. The evaluation with Dr. Toomey takes place over the course of 1 day in the Clinic
setting, with the Families receiving a written copy of the assessment and
recommendations by the end of the appointment. If all 5 of the members of the
Team were to each see the child separately in a home or clinic setting at different
times/days, significant scheduling difficulties would be encountered. As a result, the
full evaluation could take several weeks to complete. Having all the Team members
completing the assessment together gives the Family at least an initial plan within a
short time period.
3. The Clinic setting allows all 5 of the Team members to simultaneously evaluate the
child and family using a One Way Mirror. When we attempted in the past to put all
5 Team members in the same room with the child while they were supposed to be
eating, the child either cried and did not eat or watched us and did not eat. The one
way mirror allows the Team to actually get a close look into the child’s mouth
without the child being intimidated by having someone stare at them. It also
removes the Team members enough to allow the family to behave more typically
than if 5 strangers were actually in the room with them. The Team is aware that the
Clinic setting cannot replicate the home and always asks the parents how typical
this feeding session in the Clinic was compared to a home feeding.

Based on the Initial Feeding Assessment, a child may be assigned to Individual Feeding
Therapy, Group Feeding Therapy, given home programming with phone follow-up, or
returned to the Community for treatment. When a child is already receiving feeding
therapy with another provider, the preference is to return that child’s treatment to that
provider with the additional recommendations/program given by the Transdisciplinary
Team. The treatments and recommendations are, of course, given/conducted in close
contact with the child’s primary care physician.
Treatment of the feeding problem(s) with Dr. Toomey always uses the SOS Approach to
Feeding Program. However, the basic structure in which the program is implemented
depends on the child’s age and individual needs.
1. For children who are less than 18 months of age, the program is structured as an
“individual” therapy session. An “individual” therapy session to the Team always
includes the child and at least one parent, and the therapist. The parent is in the
therapy room eating with their child and the therapist at each treatment session
2. For children older than 7 years of age, the program is structured using an adaptation of
the SOS Program (called the “Food Scientist Adaptation”) and may take place in an
individual session or in a peer feeding group. Whether or not the child is placed in a
peer group is dependent on the number of other same aged peers with similar
issues who are currently in treatment in the Clinic. In addition, how well the child
functions in, and can utilize, a peer group, is taken into consideration.
3. For children between 18 months and 7 years of age, the preferred treatment modality is
in a peer group. The preference for this treatment modality is based on several
years of treating children in traditional individual therapy sessions, as well as on
consulting with parents and teachers, and completing observations of the children in
other peer group settings (daycare, preschools, schools).
We have found that children in this age range respond best to, and make the
most rapid progress with, peer role models with similar issues
(approximately 25% more rapid progress than in individual therapy). As
documented in Albert Bandura’s seminal work in Social Psychology, children
demonstrate more difficulties learning from a role model who is too far
advanced in their skills than in learning from peers like themselves.
When placed in a peer group in which all the other children were eating
“normally”, children with feeding problems did not make very rapid progress.
However, when placed in a peer group with other children who also
struggled with similar eating issues, the children with feeding problems
learned more quickly how to eat.
Part of this appears to be because the children in the feeding groups typically
had some skills better than their peers and some that were worse. This
allowed them to act as a role model themselves with some foods (also
allowing for positive reinforcement and increased self esteem during eating),
as well as to watch the other children when encountering a food that was
difficult for themselves. As Social Learning Theory (Bandura) has frequently
demonstrated, a role model that is perceived as most similar to oneself and
perceived as making mistakes (“being human”) is most likely to be imitated.
Role models perceived as too different from oneself or too “perfect” are less
likely to be imitated.
The latter also explains why in this age range, the children appear to do a
better job of watching and imitating their peers than grown-ups, (parents or
therapists). Socially in this age range, they are very interested in their peers.

There are several advantages to completing a peer Feeding Group in the Clinic setting vs.
a daycare or other more natural peer setting, including:
1. Access to a wider variety of therapeutic foods which can be specifically prepared to
meet the therapy needs of the children in the Group. This is quite difficult to do in a
home setting without adding considerable expense to the family. The selection and
preparation of the foods can also be time consuming and takes the parent away
from their child.
2. The one way mirror allows the parents of the children to objectively observe their child’s
eating skills and behaviors, without having to simultaneously track and manage
everything going on during a meal. The SOS Program utilizes a mental health
person or other professional behind the one-way mirror with the parents to facilitate
parents learning how to:
– become better observers of their child’s behavior without having to be involved in
that behavior:
– objectively evaluate their child’s skill level with various foods so they can make
better food choices for their child;
– understand the ways in which children learn to eat and to not eat so that
they can determine what their role may have been in contributing to
the feeding problems;
– carry out the feeding program in their home setting where they do have to
manage all the pieces themselves.
3. The mental health person also creates a parent support group environment behind the
mirror, so that parents can talk about the experience of living with a child who has
feeding problems (decreasing social isolation). In addition, the mental health
person helps the parents examine their own issues with feeding and/or their
child/home/spouse etc. which may be interfering with following out the program in
their home.

1. Each session begins with a set routine; perceptual preparation, sitting stability
exercises, breathing and oral-motor exercises, hand washing, description/teaching
about the food.
2. Therapists next work on the childrens’ oral-motor and perceptual deficits through the
choices of the foods made, and the way in which they are presented (tastes, sizes,
textures, shapes, colors, consistency, temperature).
3. The children are advanced up a detailed hierarchy of 32 steps to eating with each new
food presented. Therapists interact with the food and children in a way to help the
children achieve each of the 32 steps from a skill standpoint.
4. Positive social reinforcement is use to support mastery of each step on the 32 steps to
eating hierarchy. Social reinforcement is used as it is the most natural type of
reinforcement for eating, and allows for the best carry over of the program into the
home environment.
5. Range of foods at each step on the hierarchy is worked on first, because our work has
demonstrated that range drives volume. If needed, volume of food ingested is also
directly worked on. However, internal research indicates that the children in
our Feeding Group program gain 1 pound and 1 inch, on average, across the 12
weeks of Group sessions. This is in a group of children who typically have not
gained any weight or height for the 3 months prior to enrolling in the treatment
program. In addition, these children consume an additional 200 calories per day, on
average, after 12 weeks of Feeding Group sessions.
The program format is essentially the same whether a child is being seen in a Feeding
Group, or in Individual Feeding Therapy.

1. Child will readily initiate tasting a new food when presented, 80-90% of the time.
2. The child will have 30 different foods in his/her food repertoire. 10 of these foods will
be proteins, 10 starches and 10 fruits/vegetables. This number of foods is needed
in order for a child to go through 2 full days without repeating a food; 5 meals each
day with a protein, starch, fruit/vegetable being presented at EACH meal. This
feeding schedule is necessary to provide for adequate nutrition for young children,
and to prevent food jagging. Our internal research has demonstrated that children
with significant food jagging problems also typically have significant problems with
weight gain, growth and nutrition.
3. Child will achieve a weight/height growth curve appropriate for their age and medical
condition. They will also demonstrate that they can stay on this curve for 3
consecutive measurements, taken every 2 weeks.
4. The child will be able to eat age appropriate foods without gagging, vomiting or battling
with their parents.
5. Child will be able to take in adequate amounts of fluids via an age appropriate
container, in order to sustain hydration and to support growth.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about the program, or if
additional information is needed for clarification.

Kay A. Toomey, Ph.D.
Developer, SOS Approach to Feeding, Pediatric Feeding Specialist, Pediatric Psychologist
President, Toomey & Associates, Inc., Clinical Director, SOS Feeding Solutions @ STAR


Curious if your child could benefit? Consultations are free. Call today.

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