May 29, 2019
Summer Groups/Camps
 Below is a list of possible summer camps that will take place in June and
 July at TOTs clinic. This year we will be doing a camp style group that
 encompasses several focus areas, it will be 2 hours per day Monday -
 Thursday, It will be $200 a week private pay and the money will be due by
 the first day of group.  We accept Cash, Check, Money Order, and Credit 
 Card.  We will need 4 friends in a group to run the camp.  The camps will
 focus on all of the things listed below. Please fill out second page 
 regarding which camp you are interested in your child participating in. 
Please take a flyer for your neighbors, classmates, pediatricians office,
   church groups, etc. Thank you!! 
Executive function 
 For this part of the camp the goal is to work on organizing, monitoring,
 initiating and stopping behavioral responses to appropriately problem
 solve, attend and efficiently execute your school work and all activities
 of daily living. 
Self-regulation group 
 For this part of the camp the goal is to look at how we control our
 behavior. We will help your child find strategies to improve attention,
 waiting, impulsiveness, communicating their needs and interpreting the
 needs of others.  
Motor Planning and Gross Motor Coordination
For this part of camp the focus will be on how to move our bodies.  We will
 do fun group activities moving around and getting better control of our
 bodies.  We will also add a focus of body awareness in these tasks.
Mindfulness and Sensory Calming 
 For this part of the group the goal is to focus on calming, breath,
 mindfulness and sensory strategies to decrease anxiety and impulsive 
 behaviors while increasing a quiet mind, body and gratefulness. 
Fine Motor and Visual Perceptual Skills
 For this part of the group the goal is to work on improving fine motor and
 visual perceptual skills to help  hand writing and reading skills.
For this part of the group the goal is to work on developing age-
appropriate social skills and making new friends. 
 During our summer camps the goal is to have areas your child feels strong
 in and can be a leader and others they need to work on in a fun 
 Any suggestions for other groups or camp times you were hoping for  this
 summer are appreciated. If you are not sure which group your child will
 fit in please ask us.  If you are interested in a camp please feel free to
 copy the information below and send it to or
Your child's name/age: __________________________________ 
Camp for earlier Development-Children with skills 2nd grade and below
___ June 10-13 10:00am-12:00pm
___ June 17-20 1:00pm-3:00pm
___July 8-11 1:00pm-3:00pm
Camp for earlier Development-Children with skills 3rd grade and above
___ June 10-13 1:00pm-3:00pm
___ June 17-20 10:00am-12:00pm
___July 8-11 10:00am-12:00pm
Email and Phone Number: _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 
Please contact us with any questions at or (317)841-7005 ext 113.
Please visit us at our website or on Facebook TOTS for more information about TOTS!


Curious if your child could benefit? Consultations are free. Call today.

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