We are so blessed at TOTS to work with some of the best speech therapists out there. Have you ever assumed speech therapists just work on how words sound? Did you know speech therapists do much more? Please enjoy these resources to learn a little more about what speech therapy can do for your child.
What is“Speech & Language”?
What does a Speech Therapist do?
• articulation (speech): saying sounds correctly.
• Receptive language (understanding): comprehending words they’ve heard.
• Expressive language: using words correctly for a variety of purposes.
• Syntax (grammar): choosing the right words to follow the rules of language and be understood by listeners.
• Voice: the way one’s voice sounds (i.e. too hoarse, too nasal, not enough air coming through the nose, etc.) This is usually due to medical or anatomical factors.
• Fluency (stuttering): having fluent, not “bumpy” speech.
What is “Language”?
Language is made up of the words we understand and use and how we associate words with our environment.
Students with language disorders may have difficulty:
~Answering WH- questions with the correct type of response (i.e. saying “in a bed” when asked, “When do you sleep?”)
~Determining relationships between objects/concepts and describing that relationship (i.e. A pumpkin and a basketball are both round and orange, but one is a toy and one is a vegetable.)
~Using more than one word(s) to explain something. We might work on synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homophones, paraphrasing, defining, describing, and more!
~Using unspoken rules of social interaction to communicate with others politely and effectively to establish relationships and get one’s needs and wants met.
What should I do if I think my child needs help from the SLP?
Contact a local clinic, feel free to contact us via our website or at (317)841-7005 ext 113.
Do your best to describe the difficulties you’re seeing.
If you see articulation difficulties, write down what your child meant to say and how it actually came out.
If you suspect language difficulties, take notes on all of the different deficits you see during converstations peer interactions, and more.
Take note of grammar errors in your student’s writing and show work samples to the SLP.
Observe how your child interacts with peers. What does he/she do or not do that makes him/her stand out among his/her peers?